How do I find a cute name for an elephant? Since you came to this page you are probably asking yourself this or a similar question. It’s not that easy to find a name for the exotic animals.
Elephants are certainly not to be found very often in German-speaking countries. Therefore it is difficult to fall back on well-known elephant names for male and female.
Probably one or the other is also here because he is looking for a name for an elephant made of fabric or plastic. But the problem ultimately remains the same. The animal, whether male or female, has to be named somehow. We will help you to find something suitable.
For everyone in a hurry: The elephant name list If you want to find the right name quickly, we have put together a list of over 1000 elephant names. You are sure to find one or the other option there that you like.
Finding cute names for elephants in everyday life?
It is basically very simple. The possibilities are endless. We meet a large number of people in everyday life, we watch television, read books and scroll through Instagram. In all these activities we come across names. We often overlook them because they do not seem relevant to us. Now that we are looking for an elephant name, this could very well be relevant. Try to go a little more attentively through everyday life. You’re sure to pick up one or the other potential name.
Inspiration from film and television
The television is a perfect source of good ideas. Surely many people immediately think of the name of the most famous baby elephant: “Dumbo” from the film of the same name. But the jungle book also has some ideas in its program. Some examples of the names of the elephants from the jungle book are:
- Colonel Hathi – leader of the elephant patrol
- Winifred – wife of Colonel Hathi
- Junior – not a baby elephant
However, it doesn’t always have to be just the elephants from the films that serve as inspiration. All people, animals, aliens, robots and monsters that play a role in the story have in most cases a name. Just remember the last few films you saw.
Modern films, series and books in particular are a wonderful source of exotic names. Think about shows like Game of Thrones, Vikings and The Walking Dead. There are innumerable characters in each, each with one or more names.
Should you ever see a series again, pay close attention. If you don’t succeed, Amazon Prime even has a feature that will help you. With some films and series, you can have the names of the people currently in the picture displayed.
The same goes for books. There is often a directory in which the author introduces all characters. A look at the bookcase and the last books you’ve read can’t hurt.
So now you shouldn’t have any more problems finding ideas for cute and funny male and female elephant names. In order to come to the one who should be there in the end, we recommend that you make a list. Read through this list of potential elephant names several times over the next few days. So many names are automatically dropped and the decision will be easy for you at some point.