If you ask people who already have a guinea pig what was the most difficult thing, you often get the same answer: to find a name. Not choosing the cage, not buying the right food, not choosing the furnishings in the cage, but simply finding a cute guinea pig name causes problems for people.
If you think about it for a long time, you quickly realize that it is really not as easy as you initially suspect. After all, the animal has to spend its entire life with the name. In addition, you should still like the name of the rodent even after a long time. To overcome these difficulties and to give you some inspiration, we created this page.
How many do you want?
This is one of the first questions you have to ask yourself. It ultimately decides how many guinea pig names you need. Logically, the more the more difficult it is to find cute names. The more animals, the more ideas you need.
Many people who want to buy several animals also want names that go together. It is not uncommon for films and series to be used for inspiration. For example, “Bibi and Tina” would be a suitable guinea pig name for a female couple.
Try to remember your favorite films, series and books. If you think about something you will probably remember one or the other name of a character. Think about the cartoons from your childhood days too. One or the other idea will surely come to you.
Sex of the animal
Whether boy or girl naturally has a great influence on the choice. You should be well aware of the sex of your animal before you start looking. If you have several guinea pigs in front of you, make sure you know how many boys and how many girls there are. This allows you to determine whether you need cute male or female guinea pigs names and search for them specifically.
Guinea pig names with meaning
There are many other factors that you can consider when choosing a name. This includes, among other things, the pattern of the fur, the origin of the rodent or the characteristics of your animal.
Such peculiarities of the animals are often taken into account when naming them in order to adapt the name to the guinea pig and thus give it a special meaning. The names created in this way can usually be used across genders, so they are suitable for male and female guinea pigs.
Find some inspiration
You are probably asking yourself now: How do I find suitable names? The answer is, the possibilities are practically endless. Meet every tab and hundreds of people each of whom has one. We watch films, television and read books in which each of the characters has a name.
Try to go a little more attentively through everyday life and you will surely notice some suitable guinea pig names. Should you be too impatient for that, our list of 1000 cute, funny, cool and English guinea pig names for male and female animals will suggest you.