When planning to get a hamster there are a few things to think about that need to be done. What equipment do i need? What kind of food does the animal need? Where should the cage be? These are just a few questions to ask yourself. A very special question revolves around the hamster name.
At first it sounds easy to find a good name for the hamster. However, if you think about it a little longer, you quickly realize that it’s not that easy. You don’t just want to give the animal an arbitrary name. Now creativity is required. Don’t worry, we will support you.
For a male or a female?
This question is of course crucial for the name finding. Good names for girls and boys will be different in most cases. That’s why we want to introduce you to two ways to get around this problem and to find a cute hamster name.
First of all, you can wait until your pet is at home before choosing the name. This way you know the sex of the rodent and you can search for a suitable male or female hamster name. You can also observe your animal a little and incorporate its personality, appearance and character into the selection.
Another option is to choose the name before visiting the shelter or pet shop. But you have to be aware that you are reducing the selection and may not be able to take home the hamster you like best just because your chosen name does not match the gender.
Good names appropriate to the appearance of the animal
Many pet owners also often consider the pet’s appearance when choosing a hamster frame. The fur in particular plays a major role. Is it particularly beautiful in color? Is it particularly soft? Or does it have a pattern that reminds you of something? Take a close look at your animal. For a white animal, for example, cute hamster names such as “Flöckchen”, “Snowwhite” or Flocke may be suitable.
Character of the rodent and finding a funny name
The character and personality of the animal can also be taken into account when finding a funny name. Particularly often, peculiarities such as particular voracity or activity of the hamster are taken into account. If your hamster eats a lot for you, a funny name like “Wolverine”, “Garfield” or “Moppelchen” might be appropriate. If, on the other hand, your rodent is very active and runs a lot in the hamster wheel, a name like “Speedy”, “Blitz” or “Flitzer” is more appropriate. After a short observation, you will surely come up with some quirks and inspire you to come up with a good hamster name.
Hamster names that go together
People who are looking to get several animals also often want matching hamster names. That makes the search even more difficult. Mainly because the name pairs often do not match the sex of the animals. Whether boy or girl makes a lot more here.
Such combinations of names are often found in films and books. How about, for example, “Chip” and “Chap” for two hamsters. “Bonny” and “Clyde” and “Tom” and “Jerry” from the children’s series of the same name would also be an option. With three animals, the names of the grandchildren of Dagobert Duck “Tick”, “Trick” and “Truck” might be something.
Find inspiration for boy and girl
There are a number of ways to get some inspiration. Think about the last films you saw. You will probably remember some of the names of the characters. The same goes for the last books you read. Often there is also an area in the book where the author introduces each character.
Even in everyday life you will come across good names every day. Not all of them will be suitable for your hamster or dwarf hamster, but it is quite possible that there is something useful.
Last but not least, or since you’re already on our website, you can check out our list of 1000 hamster cute names for boys and girls. You are sure to find one or the other name that you like there.